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Ink Running, Puddling, Too Wet or Blurry on film

When printing with dye ink such as Dmax use a proper waterproof film printing on the emulsion side. Only one side has the emulsion layer that captures and holds the ink allowing it to dry fast and accurately. Print to the wrong side of the film and you have a mess at all resolutions.

When loading a film make sure the emulsion side faces the print head. Wet the tip on your finger then touch both sides of the film. The side that is sticky is the emulsion side (print side). Load that side facing the print head.

Some printers have a direct loading tray or use roll media keeping the emulsion side facing up toward the print head. Other printers have a bottom loading tray that flips the film as it passes through the printer.



(c) Freehand Library Article / AccuRIP / Separation Studio NXT / Spot Process / Dmax / Amaze-Ink / DarkStar



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