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Save Color Proof Feature in Separation Studio® NXT

How to Create High-Quality, Client-Ready Proofs

The Save Color Proof feature in Separation Studio® NXT, located under the File menu, provides screen printers with a simple and efficient way to generate high-resolution proofs of their adjusted and separated designs. This tool is essential for creating client-ready proofs. 

What is a Color Proof?

A Color Proof is a high-quality composite created directly from the separations that accurately reflects how the final print will appear on press. By using the Save Color Proof feature, you can produce proofs that retain the precision and detail of your design. Proofs can be saved in various file formats:




This versatility makes it ideal for client proofs as well as DTG (Direct-to-Garment), and DTF (Direct-to-Film) printing. Spot Process® files are saved at the original file resolution. Vector PDF files are saved at 720 DPI.

When to Use the Save Color Proof Feature

The Save Color Proof feature is useful in the following scenarios:

Client Approvals: Share high-resolution proofs with clients to streamline feedback and ensure design accuracy before proceeding with production.

Internal Production Reviews: Provide a visual reference to your press team for internal validation, ensuring that all design details are correct during print production.

  • DTG and DTF:  Improve your DTG and DTF printing by using a more color friendly image generated from adjusted separations. 

Improve Design Layouts:  By using a high quality Color Proof in your mainstream graphics application layouts, clients will get a best chance to look at a print concept. Easily replace the color proof with the actual separations to print films. Placed or Imported color proofs can be scaled. Updating to separations honors changes. 

How to Save a Color Proof in Separation Studio NXT

To save a Color Proof of your file, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the File menu and select Save Color Proof.

  2. Choose your preferred file format: PNG, JPG, or TIF.

  3. Select the location to save your file and name it accordingly.

Benefits of Using the Save Color Proof Feature

Easy Sharing: Share high-quality proofs with clients and production teams while keeping file sizes manageable.

Versatility: Choose from PNG, JPG, TIF, formats based on your needs.

Accurate Representation: Maintain high resolution to ensure the proof is a true reflection of the final print result.

Enhanced Workflow: Easily integrate saved proofs into mockups or production layouts.

For example:

Import/Place the proof into a mockup template to provide clients with a visual of their design on a garment or product.

Import/Place the proof into a layout for internal production references, ensuring accurate positioning and alignment during printing.

The Save Color Proof feature in Separation Studio NXT provides screen printers with an efficient, reliable way to visualize and share their designs. Whether you’re preparing client proofs or internal references, this feature enhances your workflow and helps ensure a smooth production process.



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