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The Bright Future of Screen Print Exposure: LED Units Illuminate the Way

In the past, screen print exposure units used either multiple light sources (fluorescent) or a single point light source (quartz or halogen). Logically, the use of a single point light source controlled the light better. It was recommended to use a single light source unit to capture greater detail during exposure. Multiple source units were usually lower power scattering light in multiple directions requiring more time to expose which usually lead to under-cutting that reduces accuracy. Both work, single source works better.

LED exposure units have emerged to become the industry standard. These high energy devices expose rapidly while remaining cool during operation. The life span of an LED unit far exceeds any previous solutions discussed.

Regarding the exposure unit vacuum, a tight seal between the screen, film and the exposure unit glass it critical to prevent under-cutting. Under-cutting is where light creeps around the dark areas of the film positive exposing the emulsion beneath which is the opposite of what you want. Keep the rubber blankets and seals on your exposure unit in great shape to achieve the best result and maintain the unit for a long period of time.



(c) Freehand Library Article / AccuRIP / Separation Studio NXT / Spot Process / Dmax / Amaze-Ink / DarkStar



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