If I walk into another shop and hear the ripping and popping of screens lifting off the garments or tacky platens on press, I might scream. We have all seen the slow motion picture of a drop of milk spreading little droplets in all directions; ink does the same thing. It spatters when torn off the garment at high speeds.
If your screen does not gently pull away from your print after the squeegee has passed over an area leaving the screen and the garment separated by the end of the print stroke, then you do not have enough off contact. If you need more than a slight amount of off contact, you need tighter screens!
Tight screens are critical to maintaining proper off contact on press.
The tighter your screen tension is, the cleaner and brighter your prints will be. Use tight screens.
(c) Freehand Library Article / AccuRIP / Separation Studio NXT / Spot Process / Dmax / Amaze-Ink / DarkStar
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